The lovely Pounce's brother Ping and the very amazing Henry tagged me for 7 facts:
The guidelines for this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules
2. Write some facts about yourself: some random, some weird, some just plain fun.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them)
4. Let those 7 people know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
The challenge is to keep it interesting without making the reader think “Um, too much information…”
1. I started my life in the slums of Chicopee, Massachusetts. Really, the building was quite scary and the door was left open to the apartment so that any person could come and STEAL me. Luckily the Awesome Man was there too. I was 6 months old and rode in the Woman's lap on the way home.
2. When its cold outside I'd rather snuggle alone. I don't need any meezer sapping my warmth as I do quite a fine job keeping myself warm. Of course, Charmers are always welcome.
3. If I'm not sleeping I'm annoying Kaze. Hehe, she is such fun to chase around! Sure she has long legs but I have a thick pelt so she can't bite me too hard. I never give up and always win. This is really fun and makes me coo.
4. Yes I stink. Sure, they call me Stinky Minky because I don't cover and can evacuate the whole house in under 30 seconds. Not my fault...we all eat the same dry food.
5. I enjoy sleeping in the sink, its cool and fits my body perfectly. It is NOT my fault that there is hair in there or that the stopper gets pushed down. When the Awesome Man finds me he says, "Chase!! Get down!" whereas the woman just sighs, pets me, and walks on by.
6. I have messed up rear claws. When I was a kitten the first lady tried to get me to walk on a harness but I dug my feet into the pavement. This resulted in permanent deformities and a couple of my claws just don't grow. The Woman thought the vet would assume she was abusing me and was scared to ask about it when I had my first check-up.
7. I am a well traveled cat. When the Woman was going to college we lived in Massachusetts and drove to NJ at least once a month. I like music in the car and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the "PTU". I always look for it when the Humans bring out the red boxes so I can go with them. I only yakked on the 5 hour trip once and never had an accident even when the trip dragged out to 8 hours or so.
And HRH Yao-Lin tagged me for the name meme.
Well....the Woman wanted a cat. She apparently also wanted some credit at the time as she was 18 and looking to start her credit history. She came across the bank called Chase Manhattan and she loved the name Chase. So I was named before I ever came. My original name was Tigger and I think that fits me MUCH better. I am after all a tigger.