Thing 1- I had buffalo last night. Yes, like the giant vishus deer like creature. It was gooooood. Like, really good. Yum!
Thing 2- I am going to put the bitey on someone BIG TIME. Remember my woofie Zu Zu? We used to live together but she got really attached to my grandparents and ended up living with them. Anyhow, someone is supposed to be walking her and feeding her right now since her humans are away. My grandparent's neighbor called our house and asked who was taking care of her because she had been outside all afternoon and the door was left wide open. It had been hours she was outside. The AM & W went over after dinner to see our woofie who had NO water, had not eaten, and had not had her walk all day long! She was sure glad to see them!! They left a note to the "care takers" that said not to worry about taking care of her, they were taking over. BAD people. I mean, leaving her out and alone?? She would have been out at 9pm if the neighbor lady who called didn't let her in. Grrrrrr!!!!! They may even bring her back to our house for a visit which I would love!