Do you see what she does to me? She makes holes in my ears and my neck and anywhere else she bites me. That girl is insatiable with her need to play. Here I am taking a much needed nap and break from the rat. Sigh....I do love to play but sometimes she's too much for me. OK, back to sleep.
Oah Poor Chase....
Let me hug you~!!!!!!!!!!
Take a sweet dream now than you will feel better :)
Poor, poor Chase. Kaze really roughs you up. I'm glad you found a corner where you can get away from her and get some well deserved rest. But Chase please tell me that you gave it her as well as you got it from her. Does she have some bite marks too?
She made a hole?! Woa!!!
What is a cat to do?
Opus and Roscoe
ps. Congrats on your big win!
Ouch! Poor Chase! Do you give it right back?
Yeah, Miles and Sammy have a great idea, a helmet!
Owie Chase. Did yoo bite her back?
we kiss ur owie chase
Poor Chase! Yous shoulds has see da hole me puts in sister head for all dose whaps she gives me! hehe ~Empress
Wow! I see the Kaze holes! I hope it is not too hurty.
I am so sorry to see those holes in your ear. Maybe that Kaze needs soft claws.
Ouch! I'm thinking she plays a little rough. Do you get in trouble if you whap her?
Poor Chase - you have bitey marks! Do they hurt?
Chase, you're a mancat. You shouldn't let her do that to you! She's just a girl! Don't let her get the best of you. Smack her! Hard!
Owie Chase....let me come on ofur and give you a big headbutt and snuggle...
Poor Chase. Maybe she wants you to get an earring for Christmas?
I hope those holes don't make hurty places on you. Fluffy, the one who came before, would get holes that would get infected and he would have to got the V-E-T. I do not want that to happen to you.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We all put the bites on each other. Mommy finds little bites all the time on all of us! But we can be pretty tough when it comes to kitty smack down time!
Dude, I understand the need to sleep. Dobby doesn't bite me, but he chews off all my whiskers. Seriously. It's been going on for months now. But I'm too lazy to slap him down. One day....
Kaze likes to play rough! Does this happen after Latte eats her stinky goodness?!!
Ouch! Is that painful?
We didn't realize that Kaze was such a tough kitty when playing around with you. Now you need to rest up and make sure that your ears are protected. Thanks for the share. Hope you feel better.
World of Animals
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