Faking death
The F word was dropped a lot last night. I've been lying like this a whole lot and the Woman came over and squeezed my belly and said I'm F A T! Even the Awesome Man said I'm F A T. I'll admit my midsection isn't what it used to be but I'm getting to be an older cat (7) and my belly is sagging a bit. I still don't see a need for the F word though. (I'll admit there is a bit of roundness to my belly and my ribs have a thick layer for protection from KAZE attacks!)
You are not fat; you are floofy and a very cute floofy at that.
Phhhft that's not fat. That's muscle.
We think you are just right!
You don't look fat at all. You look very handsome.
What fat???? I don't see *any* fat whatsoever!!
more like fabulous
fat? you're not fat at all. Tell them that it's just "middle aged paunch" - like people get when they're that age. hee hee.
Don't worry, you are not fat you are just a little round like my Arthur and he also sleeps the same way only I am not allowed to touch his belly !
(my cats & funny stories)
You are floofy that's all and besides it's nice for a mancat to have a little meat on his bones!
Momma says Chey is fat when Momma thinks she (Momma) has over eaten and is getting fat. I think they project that on to us...
I think you mean the F-word Fluffy. I'm fluffy too! It means I get lots of belly rubs, which I love! You should be proud of your fluff!
Chase, you are not fat. That is all muskle. You have a 6 pack and you are really pumped up!
No, not FAT and not OLD either! You're strong and powerfully built. Not everyone needs to be model-thin like Kaze.
i heard that befor buddy but it al floofy
Fat? Ha!! What do beans know about fat in animals....one v-e-t said that I was overweight, and I heard another say something about skinny when she saw me. So, whats a mancat to do? I just keep eating like I eat, and you should too!
Chase, I do not think you are fat either. You are big and burly!
You are not FAT, chase, you are a BIG MAN CAT. There is a difference. Only the vet can officially call you fat - i think...
You don't look fat to us at all. Maybe the Woman needs to see an eye doctor. And ribs need to be layered, as you actually pointed out.
So the next time the woman calls you fat just bite her.
Svelte... ja.
Rotund... mebbe.
But fat ? Naaaahh...
The moment your simian can't lift you without needing an appointment with a chiropractor afterwards, she might call you fat.
Fat? Pul-leeze. More of you to love, my dear.
You certainly don't look fat to me. I am so happy to meet you! Thank you for visiting me and saying hello. I look forward to getting to know you more.
Your friend - Frodo
hav 2 kiss da tummy first, afore weze can call it the "f" word.
you are sooooo cute.
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