I know I complain....
I know I often complain about the younger cats in the house but I must confess I truly do love Latte. He's very small and very snuggly. I've taken care of him since he was tiny and he has always adored me. We snuggle all of the time and we are really good at wrestling (fair!). It is Kaze that isn't exactly my best friend, she's a little devil. Latte is being a good nurse to me while I'm sick. He sleeps on top of Kaze with the people but he does get up and check on me in the night. He keeps me snuggly and warm during the day too. I love that little guy.
Oh Chase...I hope you don't have pneumonia. I hope those medicines kick in and make you all better. Meowm and I will say purrayers and keep our paws crossed for you.
Oh Momma looked at me and Chey and siad why can't you be moe like that?!
I hopes you feels better. Stay warm. Tell Latte he needs to cuddle even more.
I hope yoo feel better soon. I rekumend sending owt a call for hot gerl cats to nurse yoo bak to helth.
I also can't git over how ginormous yer paws are! Vary impressiv!
I am glad that Latte is takin' good care of you. It is important to have someone lookin' out for your best interests. I hope you don't have the noomoanya. I don't think that would feel good.
Hopes you feel better soon, Chase.
Oh you 2 are so cute. I hoped that Bubbles and LT would become friends, but apparently that is not going to happen.
We hope you will feel better soon. Hope it is not pneumonia!
Sigh...the freakin' frootbat asked her breeder about me. The breeder thinks I should stay the course of antibiotics and do a second round as long as I'm eating and acting mostly normal I should be getting better next week. Apparently the breeder herself had the pneumonia and it took her until her last pills to feel better.
Thanks for all your concern!
And Rocky- yes, you know what big paws means ;).
That's nice that Latte is being so nice to you. And those are terrific pictures!
China Cat & Willow
Gosh, Chase, we'll say extra purrayers for you for not hafin noo-moan-yah. Or at least gettin rid of it or whatever it is fast!
That top pikshur makes you look furry fierce. Good jobby!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
aww, it's nice how much you love Latte. I loved Grampa Norton like that too -we would always snuggle in the sunny window and snuggle on the bed at night. I miss him so much. - Miles
Purrs to you Chase. I had to have three rounds of antibiotics once, but eventually they did the trick.
HI chace i filling in for mu shue who sick yet again we glad you take such good care of latte. Mu shue loves to groom me too sometime he goes too far and gets into head sitty
You and Latte make a great pair of brothers. Mom just sighs when she sees other cats get along so well.
We sure hope you don't have pneumonia, but at least the medicine is helping.
Get well, Chase.
Here's hoping you start feeling better really really soon!
That's so sweet about you and Latte!
Dude! We didn't know you were sick until we read the Prayer & Praise bloggie . . . we hope you're feeling better soon!
We hope yer auntie's botticks work soon an that yer noo moaner gets better. It's good that Latte is looking after yoo.
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