Here you can see the glory of my belly. Its hot, I know it. How can you resist kissing that belly? You can't. Whenever I want some attention I lie like this, or sometimes curl my paws and twist. The people go CRAZY for me. I like to like on my back a lot, its really comfy. Purrs ladies!!
nope - can't resist that. what a great tummy you've got there!
Tummy Tuesday is our favorite!!!
Great picture Chase! Meowmy wants to rub and kiss your tummy!
Oh, what a lovely tummy. I wanna kiss it.
Oh, yeah, you're a tummy slut! I do that too when I want attention. I do it when I want the OTW to get up and go somewhere, too. She CAN'T resist the tummy-lure!
The glory of your belly is wonderful. Terrific photo!
China Cat & Willow
You have a most wonderful handsome belly, Chase.
Patches Lady
My mommy says she wants to kiss your belly. She loves bellies!
I like that your belly is white, that's innerestin', cause my belly isn't white.
That's a great belly. :) My mom says it looks like a wonderful belly to rub.
Wonderful tummy. :)
Yep that's a luvvly tummy. Our mum's got a fing bowt tummies too.
Wut a nice tummy, yoos furry hansome.~Sadie
Well, I'm no lady, but I sure think that's a handsome tummy!
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