Alright, I'll admit I like to play with shmousies. But really, I only like to chew their tails off and then maybe their butts. But DO NOT try that on a real mouse, the butt end is nasty, I know from experience.
A word to my gorgeous lady cats (especially Patches & Bonnie- purrs!): Rocky says that all big Man Cats are expected to have a harem and that the ladies are used to it. I don't have any experience with harems but I trust Rocky, he's always been my role model and has so much more experience than I do. So I'm starting a harem....but I don't know what to name it! Anyone have any suggestions?
Bonnie and I are such good furriends, so I know she would be glad to join your harem, and so will I. How about Chase's Gurls?
Your Patches
Pee Ess.... Mittens feels a bit left out. (Precious has Beezie, now. Mistrie prefers to remain unattached, and outside.) Mittens says she knows she is older, but wonders if you would let her join, too. She thinks you would love her big toes.
I would love Mittens to join in! I love the older ladies, they are mature and very wise. I'm very glad to invite her to join!
Maybe Chase's Camelot....his kingdom of lovely feline ladies...
Oh Chase, I am furry glad that you are getting a harem. However, I am glad that Ping feels I am enough.
Oh, you definitely need yer own harem. My sister Pixie would love to join the other girls!
you're a great big man cat. I'm sure your quest is going to go wonderfully. I have a purty girlfriend all my own so I'm puuuuuurfectly set. I'm glad I don't have to choose between those calico girls!
I'm too young to have a girlfriend or harem, so I can't comment on that, but playing with shmousies is perfectly acceptable, even for guy cats. You need to keep up your hunting skills after all!
"Toysday" Great idea Chase. Can't give you any advice on the harem stuff. I'm a bachelor guy myself.
Purrs, dear Chase. Mmmm, nice tail.
I'm not furry good at sharing, but... Being part of a hairum sounds interesting. A bit like Kukka-Maria's stud stable, eh? Maybe we'd be Chase's Charms? I like Chase's Camelot, too, but you know what they say about Camelot? "It's only a model."
Purrs and nosekisses,
Your Bonnie lass
Oh, dats a furry good idea Bonnie, Chases Charmers wood be furry good. To tell da trooth Chase I gotz all doze gerls to join da Spicy Vixens so dat I cood flirt wif other boy cats. Remeber, I even flirted wif yoo, but yoo were worried about wut Rocky how Rocky wood feel. I respekt dat, but yoo shood be forwarned dat sum of yer gerls wood like to flirt wif other boy cats. It'z nuffing sereeus, just flirting. Zippy and Speedy are one kitty kinda cats, so no harems or stud stables fur dem. But, Chase's Charms or Charmers wood be furry kyoot. Espeshully wif all dem beyootiful gerl cats yoo alreddy gots joinin up.
Or you could call it "Chase's Chicks." I joined Rocky's Harem, but if he can have multiple girls, we girls can join multiple harems. Okay, maybe I'm not a "girl" at 15, but I AM an experienced woman. Like Mittens, I have those extra toes.
Well, I was going to suggest Chase's Chicks or Chase's Vixens, but I see I was beaten to the punch (thats what I get for being at the vet..punchy). How about Chase's Ladies (I was going to say Ladies in Waiting, but I think only Queen's get them).
Oh Bathsheba! I guess we cood be members of different harems too. After all, gerls just wanna haf fun!
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