
Wordless Wednesday

(Click to biggify!)


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Great wrestling position Chase! I do the same thing with my dad - I latch on to his arm like that. :)

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! You're takin' him down fo'sho'!!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Zippy rassuls daddy's hand like dat! She ushooally wins too. Yoo look so ferooshus, I bet yoor a reel good rasslur~Sadie

Mr. Hendrix said...

Get 'em! Get 'em! Get 'em!

Tara said...

Looks like you are having fun with your awesome man! And Latte must be jealous, look at those Laser eyes!!

Katnippia said...

Chase you lookz like a great wrestler. We try to wrestle each ofher, but somecat decided to gets all mean and get to ruff.
Purrs, and kitty nose kisserz...Pounce

The Meezers or Billy said...

Go Chase!! Awsome man is going down for shur!!!

Gemini said...

We see you peeking from behind Latte! You are watching what's going on!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I see you peeking at your Charmers Chase!

Good job getting the Awesome Man!!!!

a fluffy feline friend said...

That could just as easily be a Man Cat Monday entry. You are definitely looking like a very tough man cat in that photo.

Daisy said...

I like to rassle like that too! But I usually get too excited and start giving the bitey. And then I really get carried away and bite HARD! It doesn't look like you are biting. Are you?


I think you are winning!!
GO Chase GO!!


LZ said...

Oh yes Daisy, this is called "The Bite Game"! I bite really hard but the Awesome Man has figured out how to evade my vishus jaws by holding my head. I still get good bites in though!


Christine and FAZ said...

Chase, I love doing this to. It's good fun especially if you can get a good bite in. If I grab on really tight with all my feet then the human can pick me up with me hanging from her arm (but only when she's wearing sleeves). FAZ

Anonymous said...

I'm a girl, but I love to play like that. You should see the Lady's hands and arms (hehe).

Kimo and Sabi said...

We sees you got some bunny-kickin' actino going on!

Lux said...

Great hold! I'm impressed, Chase ...

Anonymous said...

Yay, what fun, playing with dad <3

Leona said...

Show him whose boss!

sammawow said...

We really like that bunny-kicking going on!!! What fun!!!

China Cat & Willow

Catzee said...

Wrestlin! An yur winnin! Go Chase!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

I'm so impressed with your techniques, Chase. If he holds your head down, then you just have to kick all the harder.

One of Chase's Charmers

Skeezix the Cat said...

KIK KIK KIK KIK KIK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yah! Smakdown!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

This is a very manly pose. I am assuming the next attack step is to bite!!
