
Man Cat Monday

Hey everyone! I had a great weekend with the visitors! They really really loved me and I had really missed my Uncle T. I missed him so much I actually gave him tail poof! He let me sleep with him and his girlfriend the first night and that was cool. I played lots of the bite game and the red dot. It was a great birthday present to bring him to town!


=^..^= said...

Of course they really really lurved you! Who wudn't?!


The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, you gifed him the tail poof? you must really love him too! gladded your purrfday was wonderful

Gemini said...

Happy Birthday Chase! I'm glad you enjoyed your visitors.

Pixie said...

Chase, you look very very handsome and manly in that picture. You have a very thoughtful expression. I'm glad you had a fun birthday!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Happy Belated Purrthday! I am so glad you had fun with your Uncle! And you got to sleep with him! That is the best kind of birthday!

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Chase, OF COURSE I'm still your charmer! I enjoy Bombay's company, too, but you're closer to my age and have those adorable white paws! I'm not jealous of the ofur Charmers, so please don't be jealous of Bombay!

Sounds like you had a furry happy purrthday with visitors you like. I'm not big on bean visitors, cept small ones like my boy.

Boy said...

You're so handsome!
Oh...and happy birthday!

Unknown said...

we loves this picture, chase!!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BELATED BURFDAY, CHASE! Sooooo sorry we missed it!
Us, Meezers

Anonymous said...

Hey Chase. This is a great ManCat shot of you. I have mine up too. You look so cool!

hey, I am really glad that you had a cool time with your Uncle T.


Katnippia said...

Hi sweet and handsome Chase! Happy belated birfhday!
Umm, who wouldn't luvz youz. Your Unckle must very special to get the tail poof. If youz want you can snuggles on the porch with me to celebrate your birfhday. Purrs, and headrubberz..Pounce

Forty Paws said...

Awesome picture dude. You've really got a think on don't you?

Luf, Us

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Hey, Chase - you need to defend your poor little sister's honor. Her feelings were hurt by that man visitor. You may think she's a pain, but brother's always stick up for their siblings when faced with someone from outside the inner circle. Next time be aloof until he appreciates ALL three of you.


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Oh, I forgot to say, I LOVE that pose.


Karen Jo said...

That's a great Man Cat pose, Chase. You must really like your Uncle T. to give him a tail poof. I'm glad you had so much fun with him and his girlfriend.