Here is a double shot of tails & toes. I like my toes because they are multicolored. The other cats in the house have solid color paws so that makes me even more special. I don't even mind getting a pawdicure...something that happened to all of us last night.
Great looking paw! wow, huge and very manly.
Your tail is spectacular!!
Oh, look! You do have multi-colored toesies! That is very special.
Look at those paws! Wow those are man paws!! I really like your tail too Chase, it kinda reminds me of my own.
Tabby's Rock!!! HEY!!!! DUH!!!! It just registered in my tiny little brain that you're a rare male tricolor (calico)!!! You're even more special! Dude, you are so lucky!
Wow, doze is furry big man cat feets. Watch out fur our mom, she'll kiss yoor toes.~Sadie
Yes, Chase, you have furry nice toes!
Such cute toes! ::sniff, sniff:: And clean, too. Victor tickles toes, I warn you. Mom kisses them. And tails. Purrs and, well, toe and tail kisses!
~ Bonnie
i like your stripey legs!!!
Nice pink pads.
You have very Man Cat paws and tail. And I of couse like your stripes, b/c striped Man Cats are the best.
Great pictures! Momma loves your paw pads and stripey tail.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
Nice toes! We hopes yer pawdicure was not as a result of Kimo's mancat claw bragging ;)
Wow, you do have really nice mancat paws...in all different colors even. I think that your tail is pretty much the same color as mine!
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