
Poor Awesome Man

My poor AM had a baaaad night. You can read all about it from either Kaze or Latte but you know their points of views are always skewed. Basically the AM got out of bed and was having a bad panick attack and he was freaking out in the hall. I trusted the Woman to take care of him because she's good at taking care of us all when we're sick. Eventually when he was not shaking so much I went over and rubbed on him to tell him it would be OK. He appreciated my love and then I went away when he went back to bed. I'm worried about the AM but he's a big boy, nothing I can do to save him. There is no point in fraking out like Kaze is.


Spirit and Ezra said...

Spirit sez... Oh noes!! Poor AM! Our Momma has panic attacks too. She can get all shaky and can't breathe. It's scary.

Ezra sez... It's a good thind the AM had you guys (and the woman) to make sure things were cool.

Anonymous said...

I have a few words:

catupuncture. It's awesome for panic attacks...

Anonymous said...

I heard about your AM already. I hope he is okay.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Even Awesome men have panic attacks.
We hope he feels better now.
You are a great mancat to be so suportive to your AM. It is the mancat's job!

Daisy said...

Chase, sometimes it is important for a big mancat to stay calm and remain in control of the situation. I think you done good.

The Meezers or Billy said...

awww poor Awsome Man. panic attaks are scairty!! good thing you keeped your head and remained calm and helped him!

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Chase, you are a very sensible Mancat. We can best provide comfort at times like that. Just knowing we are concerned seems to help our men feel better.

Chase, I have been feeling good - last weekend, I had a "cat fit", racing up and down the hall, and Victor WASN'T chasing me! Purrs and nose kisses,



I feel kinda funny, sorta like Bonnie...I think yeah I was havin a cat fit...maybe you can help me.

Glad you were able to help your AM last night. I know he really appreciates you like we all do.


Pee Ssss
I have my own bed and only Boo will sleep in it if I am not there. That little bed is Abby's. I don't know why Mr.Jinx thought he had to get into it. He is waaaayyy too big for that bed.

DK & The Fluffies said...

We'll keep you in our thoughts and hope the Awesome Man is ok. Nose bumps and purrs.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Mr TF gits panik attaks just like yer TM, and he gits arithmia too win that happens. Wich reely disrupts my sleep.

The Wanderer said...

So why do ones of you call him the awesome mans and the other one call hims the chip man? We is very confuseded!!


The Wanderer said...

Our momma knows about the panics attacks...they is no fun here either.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope the AM is feeling ok now. He's lucky he had yoo to look after him.

Jimmy Joe said...

Oh man, Chase, you are a cool guy. I'm glad you are keepin' it cool even though it's rainy and yucky and AM is getting panic attacks and Kaze is losing her voice. I bet you will help your AM feel better soon. I have to help my momma out sometimes, too.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

sammawow said...

Your AM is very lucky to have you there to rub on him and let him know it would be OK! You are certainly a wonderful mancat, indeed!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Millie said...

Hi Chase,

I voted for you because you remind me of Gizzy, and I loved Gizzy very much.

I hope the Awesome Man feels better. Give him a nudge for me, please.

thank you,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I hope everything will doing ok~!!! And it will be.

Tyler said...

Chase, you are too cool. I'm much more like Kaze and anything freaks me out, so I like your way of thinking. It makes me feel more in control. Take care,

Zoey and the furballs said...

Our Mommy gets panic attacks too. They are no fun. We home your AM feels better soon and doesn't get anymore of those panic attacks.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Chase, we send our very best wishes to your AM and hope that he's doing much better now. He needs a calm secure man cat around the house to keep things under control.


The Furry Kids said...

Panic attacks blow! I think you handled the situation the right way. Good job, Chase. Hope your AM is feeling better.


Boy said...

Oh no! Poor awesome man! But I think you did a pwetty good job comforting him.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

My OTW gets those. Mostly when she has to go around lots of people. They're no fun at all. My OTW hopes his passed quickly and he doesn't get any more for a long long time or even never (but she knows that's not likely)


Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Ack... panic attacks are horrible. We kitty cats are always a great help in that time. We are purring for your AM.... and you too.


Karen Jo said...

I hope your Awesome Man is feeling much better now. Panic attacks are scary things. I am glad you were there to comfort him.