Tummy Tabby Tuesday Toesday
The Awesome Man was playing with the meezers last night with a Temptation tapped to the Whirly Bird. He tried to get my active and waved it in front of me but I was smarter than him. I knew that he would give me a pile of Tempations later anyway and I was right. For the grand total of no energy used I got a nice pile of Temptations.
Maybe the government should look to you for energy conservation ideas, Chase!
Your charmer,
Very smart Chase! I'm impressed.
Your tummy is too cute you let me wanna attach your cute white furr~!!
I dare to have the risk of your biting but still want to rub it, you are too cute, chase~
hehehehe, just kidding~!
Wow, you have Tuesday's bases all covered! Not only are you good looking but you are very smart!
lol! Clever clogs! I wouldn't use any energy on chasing a toy either... I'd save it to beat my sister up at night!
No matter how naughty us kitties are... the humans will still give us treaties!
Good job on scoring a snack with no effort at all! Very manly indeed.
you are the smartest mancat!
Dude, you definitely out smarted them. Good job!
No-Strings-Attached Temptations are the very best kind!
Did that squiggly wear you out?
Temptations for doing nothing....way to go!!!!!
Just goes to show who has the brains in your family ;-)
You are my hero.
What a smart cat you are - wait and you shall be rewarded. Good move!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Must. Snorgle. Tummy.
You're so smart to get all the treats and not have to do anything! You're our hero!
Hah hah! What a smart Mancat you are Chase!!! (Meezers aren't that bright, are they?) Don't tell them we said that, ok?
Luf, Us
Great idea you had there. Don't waste your kitty energy. Just show off your wonderful tummy and the treats will come to you from the awesome man. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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