They don't call it a monster for nothing.
You may have seen Kaze & Latte checking out the new torture device. You will never find a picture of me next to the hideous thing. I know better, rug sucking monsters and I don't mix. Do you see how it is attacking the little birdie? Its just an innocent little birdie and the creature is stalking it!!
Me? I'm upstairs. I'm as far away as I could possibly be. You won't find me near anything that makes noise. Poor little birdie. I sure hope the Animal didn't eat it but I guess I'll never know for sure. What I do know is that the monster sucked money from the Woman's plastic card and she's all freaked about that. Haha!!!!! I love making her spend money :)
That horrible monster kill my mouse, too~!!!
I am so agree with you, Chase~!
This monster is really terrible~!
We hate those loud monsters too. We usually beg to be let outside when Mom uses hers. We're very happy to report that it has been more than two weeks since Mom has operated hers! Yay! Maybe we can convince her that carpets are meant to have fur, dirt, and dust on them.
oh ... a dyson! dat suckz good!
NO!!! I love my bird with feathers!!! It can't eat it. I will attack it and save the birdie so I can eat it!!!!
I have never noticed our rug sucking monster eating my toys. But Bean usually puts them in their toy box before the monster comes out of the closet.
Rug sucking monsters are all evil! Evil, evil, evil...
Chase, you are very smart. I always run far, far away from the rug sucking monster.
Those rug sucking monsters suck. They are very askeery.
Our monster eats our fuzzy mice and feather toys all the time! Only Pearl is brave enough to stand up to it.
Luckily my mommy is too lazy to get the horrible sucky monster out too often. If you ever need to escape to a house free of sucky monsters and filled with dust bunnies, you are welcome to visit us at any time.
Obviously you're the smart one in the household ;-)
See, Kaze did good to steal the arrow, it has to have it to point the way! Now it will get lost and disappear. I have my paws crossed. ~Queen Snickers
I don't like the rug sucking monsters either, but Meowm is drooling.
It's ok to hide from such a loud monster. Just make sure that it gives back your birdie toy and that you are able to have fun with it again. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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