
Wordless Wednesday


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Only a runner up?! I am so sad.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Chase~!
You look very comfy under the sunlight~! I sincerely hope you have a great day today~!

jenianddean said...

I think you would be a great fur brother. Kaze and Latte are so lucky!!

Happy New Year!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Honey P. Sunshine said...

tummy rubs!

Chance said...

Concatulatyuns on runner-up! Hope yur new yeer gets better dan it starts. I do not l yke da lowd sucky chine ting. Mommie gots a new wun fur Chrissymas dat she sez iznt dt lowd, but I styll hates it.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Now...I would do that if there was some sun around to do that in.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

You look so comfy. Congrats on being hte runner up!!

Unknown said...

You look soooo, comfurble, Chase

Parker said...

Right this minute I am pretending that you are winking at me!

The Meezers or Billy said...

concatulations Chase!!!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Congrats on the runner ups!! ~Empress

Anonymous said...

Me-owzer Chase! You are right, resistance IS futile. =^..^=

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Concats on being runner up! You look like you are winking at your Charmers!

Daisy said...

Congratulations, Chase! You should be proud because you are a good brudder.

Boy said...

Concatuwations Chase!

SophieKitty said...

You've got the best tummy I've ever seen! Such a cutie!



Tybalt said...

Congratulations, Chase!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year and congrats! All that matters is that Latte and Kaze think you're the best sibling. This is a lovely picture of you, Chase!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Congratulations, Chase :-D

Happy New Year to you and all of your family :-)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concatyoolayshuns Chase, yer a good bruvver. Looks like you found a nice sunspot there.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, maybe Sadie shoulda voted twice. Concatulashons, yoor an exselent brofur!

Willow said...

As two of your Charmers, China Cat & I are loving your look! And we agree that you are a wonderful sibling to Kaze & Latte!

Purrrrrrrs, Willow

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Congratulations on being the runner-up in the siblings' contest. We think that you should have got the first place prize. Love the handsome photo of you on your blanket enjoying some sun. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals