Man Cat Monday
NASCAR got a run for the money with Sammy Meezer behind the wheel. I was lucky enough to be his Crew Chief for the fast paced race! I think it was going to be pretty hard to catch the 18 car but Sammy did an incredible job.
And in the end, my Awesome Man was the real winner as a die hard Ryan Newman fan. Watching the 12 car finish like that made our house very happy. Its been over 2 years since he's had a win so this is just great!!!
The race was fun to watch and it was a cool ending
snazzy collar Chase!
concatulations to Ryan Newman!
Chase, you was an awsome crew chief and really made it possible for the number 1 car to finish 20th!
Love the collar, Big Man.
We still aren't able to figure out if Sammy won.... But the food at the party WAS GREAT!!!
You did a great job as crew chief. But why didn't they get you a Ryan Newman collar?
I think you are doing great job, Chase~!
I bet Sammy did very well with you as a crew chief!
Hey Handsome, I see the collar is still on...
I have to say that I agree with the other comments about your collar. I am not big on wearing collars but if you have to wear one yours is really cool. FAZ
Nice collar and I'm glad you get lots of snuggle time while watching NASCAR - not that I know much about it, 'cept it involves cars. I went to an "Indy" (???) race once in Toronto, is that the same? :) xxx
Ezra sez... Our Momma is a die hard Ryan Newman fan too!
Good job as crew chief, Chase!
Impressive, Chase! Congratulations on being Sammy's Crew Chief!
Whoa! Since you have a special NASCAR collar, that makes you official.
It's nice to get a win ... even though we live in the South we've never caught on to NASCAR. Maybe one of these days...
Katie and the Fosters have their very own NASCAR track in the living room (its annoying)
Cute photo & happy Man Cat Monday!
We love your Tony Stewart Collar Chase! What's up with his furs this year? They're all long, like a girl!
Me tinks you looks good in a collars, me has to wears one too. It Egyptians. Me did not see da track ball cars on dis weekend. :( My beans were too interested making little tings run around on da computer screens. It was funs watching though. Thay calls is WoW. ~Empress
That's a super cool collar Chase!
I do like your collar and am very happy to hear how happy your Awesome Man was enjoying the race!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
Congratulations Chase!
I used to wear a collar...but Meowm took mine off shortly after I came to live with her and I haven't worn one since. You look great in yours though!
Chase, I love your collar!
You did a good job at the race Chase!
I know your AM must have been thrilled :-D We weren't so thrilled as our favorite driver didn't win. Oh well, the season has just begun and there's lots more racing!
Thanks for the share. Hope the celebrating was fun for you. Your awesome man must have been really happy after not winning for two years. Your collar is really nice looking. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
World of Animals
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