Man Cat Monday
I'm trying EVERY angle with the Woman to get her back in front of the blogging computer- where she belongs. I've even taken to *gasp* snuggling with her and purring. Hey, I have to try everything I can. It seems that this week should be easier on her but I just don't buy it. I just can't trust that human. I do feel my niceness has been noticed though as I've been allowed in the snuggle room all night long without the meezers. Thats nice.
Great photo as always, Chase~!
I think your mommy is never tired to get great photo of you.
Because you could be photo great in every mood and angle!
A little loving to our beans goes a long way!
Ah you are lucky to be there the whole night! Way to go!
Those beans just don't understand their function here on earth is to serve us, do they?
They let you in the snuggle room without the others? That's great!
EG purred at Momma last night, too. She noticed, but then he got super mad because she started petting him. I hope your Woman gets her act together this week. You guys have been more than patient with her.
what a great mancat photo. being in the snuggle room all night is great too!
Glads you are in da snuggle room! Dar is sumting funny in my mommy's bafroom! It cwied last nite an mommy went in dar an talks all cuddly to it. She not do dat to mes win I cwies at nite any mor. Sumfings up! ~Empress
Hi Chase, you are very very lucky to be able to sleep in the snuggle room :-)
You have a very strong mancat-ly profile.
Our humans are totally slackers
This is a handsome mancat photo, Chase. We are happy to hear you were able to get your mom back to blogging again. Thanks for sharing the great photo. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
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