Where to start?
I really have so many things to say but I suppose I'll start with describing my relationship to my family.
Awesome Man
He's just the best! While the others adore the Woman, I am completely devoted to Awesome Man. Whenever I see him I get a poofy tail (at the base) and I purr and I head butt and I flop over on my back. We have a game where he gets ready to go into the shower and I chase him down and nip at his ankles. Hehehe. We play the "bite game" all of the time and he's pretty good at it. I just adore him and would do anything for him.
The Woman
She's OK. I mean, I love her and all but she is not the Awesome Man. First of all the kitten brigade is always around her. Even before them she was too interested in hugging me and petting me and I don't have respect for people who come to me for love. She's good though because she feeds me and she always lets me neck snuzzle if the Awesome Man pushes me away.Latte
He came to live with us last year and the people claimed they got him to play with me because I was alone all day long and I like to play a lot. Really, I was fine. But he's a fun little guy, we wrestle a lot and he's very small and snuggly. I take being his big brother very seriously so I give him lots of baths and I even enjoy snuggling with him. We play all of the time and he is very devoted to me, he would choose me over anyone to snuggle with.
What can I say about her? She's psycho. I mean, first of all, have you seen her ears?? She's like a freak of nature. When she first came here she was to be Latte's distraction from tackling me constantly so I could get some rest. I don't hate, I'm a very laid back, easy going cat. I just didn't really want to waste my time with her- I could have been napping. So every now and then you'll see us snuggling but its only because she comes up to me, I never go to her. We do play bite tag a lot and its funny because she's always screaming like I'm hurting her when she is the one attacking me. So she's a lot of fun to chase around. Tag is my favorite game to play, I like taking turns.
So those are the key players in my life. Generally I sleep all day long with a few small breaks for eating. Sometimes I feel like playing and then I go bug Kaze or ask Latte if he wants to. Then I sleep some more. I'm a champion sleeper.
Good to meet you Chase. We herd furrom Kaze that yoo got yer own blog now. I know what yoo mean abowt yunger cats needing us older cats wisdom. Flynn is the same age as me, but he finks he is still a kitten an wears me out, an he nefurr finks befurr he duz ennyfing. I mean he just jumps rite into fings and duzn't fink abowt the con-see-kwensis. Eric
Hi Chase, don't take enny notiss of what Eric sez abowt me. Do you no what, my tail goes puffy at the base like yours when I'm reely purring hard. Mum sez it puffs out like a flower an she cawls it my "Chrysanthemum bum" Fank gudness she spelled that furr me.Flynn
Cjase, it looks like you have a great family. Enough snuggle mates and play mates.
From one champion sleeper to another, Kaze sounds a lot like Catzee. Sounds like your Awesome Man is super.
Hi, Chase! Glad you got yur own blog. Why not? Latte an Kaze each haf their own.
Oh Hello Chase! We've heard so much about you from Latte! You are a furry handsome tabby. Georgia is furry impressed that you have started a blog. She just doesn't think she would like writing one.
Hello Chase, glad you get to speak for yourself finally. I know all about little brofurs and sisfurs I got one of each. They're a pain in my poor tail. The gerl know to leave me alone (finally) but the boy! Sure, he calls himself a "man cat" but he's nothing but a pest. Anyway, welcome - looking forward to hearing more.
Princess Ziporah
Welcome to the blogging world Chase!
YAY! Chase has his own blog! We is furry happy you camed to visit us
Boy, I shur know whut yoo meen abowt Kaze. Skeez is ixzaktly like that. I meen, it was good becuz he's helped me git over missing Joonyer, and he plays with me relentlessly, but sumtimes, enuf is enuf. And if I wak him a good one, he goze crying to mommy like I tride to kill him, wich I didn't, and he was the one hoo started attakking me!
Hi, Chase - I just tried to post and got kicked out by Blogger, so the other one may still show up. Basically, I was just saying welcome to the blogosphere!
Yr new friend,
P.S. I really *love that photo of you and Kaze, where she's half up in the air! Funny!
Hello again! It is nice you haf the Awesome Man since the little ones take up so much of the Mommy's time.
I really love these pictures. You are a great laid back big brother to have 2 kittens around. Your beans must be awesome to keep you all happy!
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