I had a woofie once
Long long ago I lived with a woofie. She was golden and hairy and full of energy. Don't worry, she's still alive, I just don't live with her. We lived together in Massachusetts for a year in the "Shack". The Awesome man found the "Shack" to rent because it accepted dogs and his parents gave him a puppy for Christmas. While the Woman liked the woofie, she missed kitties and that is when I came to live with them.
The woofie and I used to play all of the time. I would roll on my back and let her bite at my belly and then I'd rabbit kick her nose and run away. She would crouch down and make some very odd sounds while I would rise on my back feet and bat at her snout. We spent a lot of time together for that year- a lot of alone time as the people were either at work or at school.
After a year the people couldn't handle living in the "Shack" anymore. The woofie had chewed through the walls in boredom and if I never caught another mouse it would have been too soon. They decided to move into an apartment and that meant the woofie couldn't live with us.
The woofie went back to the Awesome Man's parents and there she lives today. They are very good to her and she is a very nice woofie. She even has an invisible fence so she can run around and play. I see her sometimes, she comes over and visits. Whenever I see her I get all playful and purry and my tail poofs like it does for the Awesome Man. I love that woofie and she loves me.
Chase, that is a very nice story! I did not know you had such a sentimental side - you are all soft on the inside! I never, ever lived with a woofie before.
Daisy is right, that is furry sentimental. We don't think we would like woolfies, but Cheysuli says she was raised with a dachshund. I still don't think I would like a woolfie...
aww - it's a sweet Woofie Wednesday story. we know some woofies are nice, but we're still scared cause we've never really met one in purrson.
meowm and I would like to see a picture of your Woofie. Meowm grew up with woofies and kitties. She is gonna see if she has any pictures to share.
what a nice story. mommy grew up with woofies (i'm her first kitty). i'm pury scared of them and mommy thinks i must've had an expecially bad experience when i was feral because after they rescued me and kept me inside, i'd still cry and hide when a woofie on a leash walked by.
mommy wishes she could have a woofie (not that she doesn't love me bunches). maybe you can put a picture of your favorite woofie up chase! we'd love to see him. it is so good of your Awesome Man's parents to takes such good care of him. it shows that you have a great bean family!
Oh you are so brave. We are afraid of woofies.
That's a beautiful story. I love it when woofies and kitties get along.
Pumpy and I are quite afraid of them, though. :(
What a wonderful peaceful story! Thank you for sharing it with us!
A nice woofie??? Really??
Oh, Chase, that was such a nice woofie story. A little woofie named Chloe lives next door to us and sometimes she looks in the front window at us. We feel safe though because the window won't let her inside.
China Cat & Willow
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