My Midnight Tabby Adventure
You won't hear from Kaze or Latte how they were able to open the toy closet and fish out the whirly-bird which they dragged upstairs. They would never admit to getting into so much trouble. So I'll tattle on them as their folly directly impacted my night.
The people went out for a walk and came home to the opened door. The Woman ran upstairs expecting to see the bird destroyed but it wasn't. She secured the closet door.
One little problem with that...I WAS INSIDE THAT CLOSET!!!!!
Later at night the Awesome Man came downstairs because he heard a noise. He also secured the closet and went back upstairs to bed.
....................................Nine Hours later................................
Kaze: "Latte, did you hear a BANG out of the toy closet?
Latte: "Um, I'm not sure, let me get Meowmy to open it for us."
Latte: "Um, I'm not sure, let me get Meowmy to open it for us."
The only reason I had a lovely night was because I found my nip banana and passed out after about three hours of constantly licking. Honestly, the night is really a blur but I woke up feeling might refreshed!! After this I waltzed out like nothing happened. Of course I was a bit in need of the litter box and then some food.
I must also add that if not for the Woman who knows when I would have been found. She does a head count and she asked the Awesome Man how long it had been since he'd seen me and he said, "A while.".
Wow! Locked in the toy closet all night long! I'm really glad that you didn't need the litterbox badly in all that time. Locked in with the nip must have been fun. At least it wasn't a boring closet with just clothes and shoes. I am really impressed that the Awesome Man likes my limerick.
I am glad you had fun in the closet. Thank goodness for Mom!
Ooh I can't think of a better place to be locked in than a toy cabinet, except if I was locked in there with you.
wow! locked in the NIP CLOSET!! lucky you! well, 'cept the being LOCKED in part. and the no one looking for you part. but the nip part? awsome!
So Chase, you're finally out of the closet! MOL! Sorry, couldn't help myself! You of all cats are so far from the "closet" that it's not even funny! But hey, you got to spend the night with NIP and TOYS! Including your nip nanner! AND, the others couldn't get in on the fun! Sounds good to me! It's just lucky that you didn't have to potty!
Wow, you had a wild and crazy night! You were very good not to poop in there. I tend to dart into open closets, so whenever my Mommie and Daddie leave the house, they check to make sure nocat is in the closet. But they don't check at night!
Fiona was locked in pur parents bedroom for a couple hours, it is fun being sneaky kitties but not getting stuck some place.
wow, nip and toys all night! That sounds wonderful. You look refreshed!
Good thing you didn't have to use the litter box! But what a place to spend the whole night. My little sister, Maggie, got locked in the linen closet for FOUR hours one morning. My dad and mom felt so bad.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
whoa. i want to be locked in a toy closet.
At least it was the toy closet and not the water closet!
Skittles, The Huntress
I wish I wooda known, I'd happily spend da nite in da toy closet wif yoo and da nip~Sadie
hahaha me and the human are laughing out loud. I bet all that nip was just pawsome!!! Sounds like it was a good night really. I do think your siblings are a bit naughty though!! in fact, they look almost a tiny bit guilty in that picture! Bet they knew you were in there all night and decided to ignore it! ha ha
Oh Chase, what a horrible thing to have happen to you!
Ohhhhh, 9 hours alone with all the nip? You are one lucky dude.
Earl Grey
Yoo wuz locked in wiv nip??????
Ahhhh bliss, pure bliss.
I furrgot to say dat it wuz me Flynn who sed that. Mum sez I'm a total niphead.
Rocky, we totally feel your pain. Both of us have been individually locked up in a closet ALL DAY while mommy was at work. How dare she!! And then when she gets home and we cry in protest to our imprisonment, she just says we were to blame, how come we were so quiet and so fast sneaking into HER closet!
I think to support you in your being upset...we gonna find something precious of mommy's to teach her a lesson!!
~Donny and Marie
[Mommy: The last picture was so cute!]
Oh, my poor dear Chase! Imagine your awesome man not missing you! That makes me want to growl. There are, of course, worse places to be locked up, but still! Pop over and tell me all about it, sweetie.
I've only been locked in a regular closet with shoes and stuff. You had nip and toys. Lucky you.
Locked in the closet for nine hours!!!!! I hope you got some good treats when you finally got out!
Oh poor Chase locked up like that all night. I'm glad that you had at least your nip banana to keep you happy.
Glad you had your banana for entertainment! If you must be in a closet, you certainly got stuck in a good one. We love that picture of you in the closet!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
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