
Man Cat Monday

I decided to be a good big brother I decided to let her snuggle. Plus she's like a little heater so I didn't mind all that much. I just dreamt that she was a Charmer and then I was able to tolerate her. I'm just happy its a new week and I can teleport over to my Charmers because I need some adult time after kaze-sitting all weekend long.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

You really are a good big brother.
{{{big hug}}} from all of us

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Chase, that is furry nice of you. I'm not ready to get that close to Victor, but I'm picturing myself in Kaze's place, an I like that image. Purrs!
Oh, an when there's thunder, you're always welcome to come ofur here. I'll take your mind off of the storms.
Your Bonnie

Just Ducky said...

Your sisfur as a Charmer? Not sure about that one. Stay warm.

LZ said...

Oh no Derby, I meant that I was pretending that a Charmer was with me instead of Kaze. Kaze is NOT a Charmer. She is in fact not charming at all....


Tara said...

You two look so CUTE! I think you are being very magnanamous (yessh, that is a big word) to let Kaze snuggle. I'm sure she appreciates it.


sammawow said...

Well, you two do look very cute snuggling!

China Cat & Willow

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Chase, you are charming, and Kaze knows it.


The Meezers or Billy said...

awwwwww, see, you're really nice!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll swap ya!!!! Send Kaze on over, and I'll ship yoo the stinky wite rat!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That was very nice of you to let Kaze snuggle, Chase. :) You look very cute cuddled up together. You are a very good big brother!

Gemini said...

Oh Chase, you look so comfy there with Kaze...

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Chase, you're the most manly big man cat I know, so don't change a thing. It takes a big man cat to take care of his little sisfur in this cold weather.
Your Bonnie


Chase I knoos underneaf all that nice furrs is the heart of a gentle man cat.


Pixie said...

Chase, it is very nice of you to snuggle with Kaze like that. You are a good man cat!

Katnippia said...

Cahse youz looks so sweet laying next to your sisfer. Maybe youz could come snuggles with me againg soon.
purrs, and headrubberz...Pounce

Artsy Catsy said...

Chase, you are a wonderful mancat! We think REAL mancats aren't afraid to show their soft, sensitive sides!

The Artsy Catsy houseful

Anonymous said...

yur furry tall-er-int. Grr let me lay in the lawndree baskit next ta her an didn't effun whap me. must be efurrybuddy's feelin' kinda like bein' nice. i like it.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It's furry man catly to let yer sisfurr snuggle, an she looks furry happy about it.

Anonymous said...

You are very very sweet, Chase. You are truly a bigman cat!
(((huggles))) okay, just a little one, I am leaving now

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dat iz a charmin pikshur uv u both. yer a grate mancat to snuggle wid yer sistah.
i'm prowd to know u!

Forty Paws said...

Oh Chase! That's a wonderful pikshur of you tolerating yur sisfur!!! That was so kind of you to Kaze-sit all weekend.

Thanks fur wishing me a Happy Purrfday!!!

Luf, Jenny @ Forty Paws

Hot(M)BC said...

Man-cats that have a soft side are the bestest kinda man-cats :)
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Gree

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Quite a furry good-looking ManCat there, Chase! I often use the Feline Americans as space-heaters, too. They're energy efficient and don't give off too much noxious gas.
Stay toasty!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Awwww - this is furry nice! HUGGS to ya's!